Bug & peanut

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Well, July is here... Peanut is 10 months old and Bug is 27! time flies.

So what can I say? Lots of course, just hope I can come close to catching it all.

  • Started the commando crawl at about 7.5 months. That didn't last long, he was up on all fours within a couple weeks. About the same time he started pulling himself up to walk along furniture. He's still doing that today, just doesn't quite have the balance or confidence to let go yet. It won't be long though... He will let me hold ONE hand as we walk across the room.
  • LOVES to move. As soon as he figured out how to be mobile, we could never keep him in one spot. Change time is especially frustrating, as he is NOT content to lie on his back for more than a few seconds. Once he grabs ahold of something (the end of the change table, the muscles come out and he twists and writhes his body in ever direction possible. Not that he has anywhere to go, just has to sit up and take in the sights.
  • Is eating a few solid foods. Cheerios, potatoes, ground (cooked) meat, bananas, etc. He's had 8 teeth for quite a few months, and added a couple more a couple weeks ago.
  • Sleeps through the night without incident. He was moved into his crib at about 9 months, and it was a good move. He quickly taught himself to fall asleep on his own. As long as he has a bottle in there when we go to bed, he's fine. He will wake up at 7-9:30, depending on how early he went to bed the previous night. Usually I will sneak in and refill the bottle (always empty) before I leave for work in the morning.
  • Has lots to say, but nothing on command or when prompted yet. A few times he's sqealed "momma" when she goes in there in the morning. He does say "num num num when he spots food.
  • Is a big, strong kid. 23.something pounds at the doc's last week.
  • Is always smiling. No change there. He's just a freakin' happy baby. A delight to anyone that walks up to him.
  • Knows how to clap, and is always pleased to do so. Knows "How big is Peanut?" and is playing peekaboo if he's giving a blanket or something to hide behind. This started about 3 weeks ago.
  • Is not so crazy about cuddling any more. Unless he's really tired. So sometimes, when we get home and he's passed out in the van, I take him and just lay him on my shoulder on the couch... Nothing makes me happier. Well - one thing ties it. Doing the same thing with Bug.