Bug & peanut

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Peanut @ 2 months

These pics were all taken right around the two month mark. Peanut is a very strong little guy. He's had no problem holding his head up and turning it around, even lifting it off the bed, for several weeks now. He can sit upright like this: withouth problem and has done so for a couple weeks. He will keep his whole body rigid and stand for up to 12 seconds or so before kneeling again.
My favorite part is that you can solicit a big happy grin from him on demand now, provided he's not hungry or tired. Those big sloppy grins are absolutely wonderful. The last few days I've really noticed that if you captivate his attention and speak in a very animated kootchie-coo voice, it totally delights him. He responds by flailing his arms, kicking his feet, and cooing quite emotively. If you engage him in conversation he will respond with delight. Of course mommy can get a better reaction from him than I can, but that's to be expected!
The overnight sleep, of course, has been lacking. At least from our (1 baby prior) experience. We quickly learned that we needed to keep him awake and active all evening, or he would be awake and active all night. For weeks we kept to the schedule of 11:30 bedtime (mommy off an hour earlier), 2-3 AM feeding, followed by several hours sleep on the couch with mommy, and maybe a nap after the 7 AM feeding. Mommy was not getting much sleep overall, though Peanut was, mostly during the day.
Things seem to be turning the corner though, as the past few nights have hinted at some semblance of a solid block of overnight sleep. He gave us a good 6 hours each of the past 2 nights. Last night we were down at 11:30, with a quick bottle feed at 2:30 (just held it for him for 10 minutes, didn't move him). He slept until 6:30 then. The night before he slept from 12:30 straight through to 6:30.
Thanks buddy! A sign of better things to come!

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Friday, November 03, 2006


2 days ago... appointment at the health office for shots.
Peanut was 13 lbs 14 oz. Holy crap! in the 97th percentile for height. I can sniff the NBA offers now...