Bug & peanut

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006 has come and gone... and little bug had the time of her life. She has really enjoyed having grama and grampa around for the past few days, and will be sad to see them go. She was spoiled by nanny, great-nanny, unckie, grama, grandpa, and auntie and uncle. She especially loved the police car auntie and uncle got her, and the pogo bouncy from mommy and daddy. She loves the excitement of it all, and does enjoy opening her presents but would often prefer checking out everyone else's gifts (Though I don't know how any toddler could be interested after a couple dozen presents in a row) . On the 23rd (Fri) we had the R extended family out, all three families and kids in tow. Very nice, not sure how much longer we'll be able to do it though. On Xmas eve, we were joined by auntie and uncle at 2:00, who took Bug sledding at the big hill in town with her cousins. This was her first time sledding, and unfortunately with the wind and the hood that wouldn't stay up, things were a bit chilly and she didn't have a real good time. She was excited to see a plastic sled under the tree though, so we'll try again soon. after that the six of us played a game of Cranium while the kids napped. We made a nice prime rib dinner and opened presents downstairs after supper.
Christmas day we were able to sleep in until 10 or so, probably for the last time for the next 20 years... We went to nanny's to open presents, then came home and made supper (roast beef etc etc etc...) for nanny, great nanny, and unckie.
Peanut was happy with all the excitement, and the pictures ( lots of them! will be proof as he's smiling brightly in just about all of them. He happened to cut his first two teeth over the past few days!

Friday, December 15, 2006


Too much TV? Bug has started singing this very annoying little ditty.... Fortunately it's nothing but adorable out of her mouth!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Knee sleeper

Yes, my daughter sleeps on her knees. Almost every night. And has for over a year. So what of it?

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